Mission Statement
DISD mission statement

Excellent teaching in a learning school
DISD is an innovative and learning school. We continuously strive for excellence in all categories. Students, teachers and school leaders work in teams to continuously improve their learning, teaching, and leadership. Evidence-based decisions and leadership focused on excellent teaching make our quality development efficient and child-centered.

Multilingualism (with German core competence)
DISD-students thrive in a multilingual environment and develop into true global citizens. Mastery of the German language as a core competency is emphasized from kindergarten onward. This is reflected in our interdisciplinary, creative, and evidence-based listening and reading concepts. French and Arabic (for non-native speakers) are professionally and efficiently learned as foreign languages. We guide many of our students to a native level in several languages, especially German, English and Arabic.

STEM Excellence
We promote the unique German engineering spirit. We strive for STEM excellence (mathematics, information technology, natural sciences, technology) from kindergarten to high school graduation. We achieve this through discovery-based, exploratory learning, a competitive culture, targeted support for gifted students, and intensive contact with research as well as with companies. In this way, we foster the spirit of research and entrepreneurship in our children and young people.

Excellent learning environment
DISD offers an outstanding and inspiring learning environment. Our state-of-the-art facilities are designed to meet the needs of our students in all areas, whether in sports or science. We implement iPad classes with an innovative, evidence-based approach. The city, the region and the world become our classroom in fascinating national and international field trips and exchange programs.

Student as an individual
DISD students student learn to express themselves holistically, whether through sports, drama, art, collaboration, or many other means. On the cognitive level, we encourage critical thinking and individual problem-solving strategies. We provide active and personalized learning and responses for children with special needs as well as for gifted students.

Value oriented community
DISD strives daily for fair, tolerant, and humane interactions within our school family. Our students experience and learn a sense of responsibility, creativity and critical thinking. We stand by traditional values such as determination and discipline, which we consider modern and central. Our goal is to successfully strive for happiness.