SEK-Head of German
SEK-Head of Mathematics
SEK-Head of English
SEK-Head of Science
SEK Head of Arabic A
SEK-Head of Arabic B
Head of Islamic Studies A
SEK-Head of Art
SEK-Head of Geography
SEK-Head of History
SEK-Head of French
SEK-Head of Sport
SEK-Head of Social Studies
SEK-Head of Music
Assistant Coordination SEK II
GS-Head of German
GS-Head of Mathematics
GS-Head of English
GS-Head of General studies
GS-Fachleitung Arabisch A
GS-Fachleitung Arabisch B
GS-Head of Islamic Studies B
GS-Head of Sport
GS-Head of Ethics
GS-Fachleitung Kunst
GS-Head of Moral Studies
GS-Head of Social Studies
GS-Head of Music
Head of Wellbeing
Academic AdvisorAssessment /Data
Head of Inclusion Team
Dokumentation Schulentwicklung
Head of Language Promotion
Head of Digital planning
Digitalisierung SEK
Digitalisierung GS
Learning Environment SEK
Learning Environment GS
Head of DaF