Actively shaping the school

The DISD Parents' Council sends its warmest greetings and invites you to actively participate in shaping school life

Our Parents' Council is represented by a six-member committee. It consists of two parent councils from each of the three school areas.

At the beginning of each school year, a parent representative and a deputy are elected at the first parents' evening in each class. All parent representatives and deputies elect their parent advisors for the committee of six at the first meeting of the parents' council. With great commitment, the parents' council actively participates in shaping school life and contributes to a good school climate through positive, trusting interaction.

The current composition of the Board of Six is as follows:

Rima Noah

Rima Noah

Elternbeirätin für die Sekundarstufe

Gülay Günes-Ouremi

Gülay Günes-Ouremi

Elternberätin für die Sekundarstufe

Platzhalterbild für Eddy Cheaib

Eddy Cheaib

Elternbeirat für die Grundschule

Platzhalterbild für Sarah Al Bassyouni

Sarah Al Bassyouni

Parent councilor for the Primary School

Charlotte Shaat

Charlotte Shaat

Parent council for the kindergarten

Nari Al Masri

Nari Al Masri

Deputy parent councilor for the kindergarten

Tasks and areas of application

  • We represent the interests of all parents to the association board and the school management. For this purpose we are constantly in contact and exchange. 
  • We are available to the parent body for questions and suggestions and provide information on current, school-related topics.
  • We hold Parent Council meetings several times a year.
  • Representatives of the Board of Six attend the monthly board meeting.

Join in! Parent work is not only an important part at DISD, but also offers a good opportunity to make new contacts and actively participate in school life in a nice team.