Project days in Primary School
03 March 2021
The DISD project days Primary School took place from February 28 to March 2, 2021. Each class level had its own theme for this.
"As a fixed component of the curriculum, the project days are designed for the children to deal intensively with a specific topic. Various teaching and learning methods are used in a targeted manner to promote independent learning. The project days are always a welcome change in the school day and are enthusiastically accepted by the children. Creative results are achieved, which the children still enjoy exhibiting in the weeks afterwards.
Inga Rehbein, Elementary School Principal
We are grateful and happy that we were able to hold the project days during the pandemic. It was a special experience for all the children during this difficult time."
The student of the first classes learned everything worth knowing and exciting about fish. The mysterious habitat of the animals under water and the diversity of species of different fish. Accompanying the lessons, the student*innen made very creative and beautiful pictures as well as small works of art.
"The children had a lot of fun with the exciting topic and with the joint creative implementation."
Melanie Dziergwa, Grade 1 Head of Stage
Our second graders learned all about butterflies. The metamorphosis of the animal, starting with the larva, through pupation to the final development into a butterfly was explained in detail. With great attention to detail, the student students then created and painted beautiful little works of art. The student*innen of class 2b also presented the butterfly theme in a musical interpretation.
"Through the musical implementation, the children were able to grasp the theme of butterflies with all their senses and express what they had learned in the community. This promotes self-esteem and social skills."
Cornelia Kraus, Head of Classes 2
The 3rd classes successfully proved that project days are also possible under unusual circumstances. The focus was on the topic of weather. The studentstudents created their own weather reports and presented them to each other very authentically and creatively in a Zoom meeting. In addition, the student students workedtogether on reading strategies in online lessons and summarized them in great texts about the rainbow. With lovingly painted pictures, a worthy finale was dedicated to the rainbow on an artistic level as well.
"The children had a lot of fun being real weather presenters for once. On the topic of "rainbows", they developed and applied important reading strategies to promote reading skills. Of course, the creative implementation of the topic was not to be missed."
Heike Prince-Smith, Head of Classes 3
Our student*innen of the 4th classes have successfully completed the project days with the final test on safe cycling. They all mastered the rules and safety measures for cycling in traffic as well as the challenging courses with flying colors. At the end, the student*innen received a DISD bicycle driver's license, which they proudly took home.
"We are glad that with this project we can give the children of DISD the opportunity for traffic education, teaching them important traffic rules that will make them safer on the road and on their bicycles. The children have learned a lot on the topic of safety and responsibility."
Carola-Madeleine Kuby, Head of Classes 4