Heart pillows- a PINKtober action of the parents' council
October 27 2023
October is designated as PINKtober around the world to draw attention to the life-changing disease of breast cancer and to emphasize the importance of early detection. Our Parent Council took a special action on October 24 to raise awareness about breast cancer. Dedicated DISD mothers met at the school to sew heart pillows for breast cancer patients at Fakeeh University Hospital.

The heart pillows are not only pretty accessories, but also serve a very important purpose: they are specially designed for women who have undergone breast surgery and serve as a protective cushion after operations when patients are sitting, lying down or buckled up.

"The heart pillows are a positive comfort and symbolize our support for breast cancer patients," explained Rima Noah, vice chair of the Parent Advisory Council.

For each pillow a personal greeting card was designed by kindergarten children and student*innen. Afterwards 122 lovingly packed pillows were handed over to the Fakeeh University Hospital. They were gratefully received and we hope that these small but meaningful gifts will help to make the lives of those affected a little more comfortable. Many thanks to the dedicated parents and student*innen for this great action!