Graduation 2023 at DISD
May 29, 2023
On May 23, the German Consul General Sybille Pfaff presented the graduation certificates to 28 high school graduates and five junior high school students at the German International School in Dubai. Three of the graduates, or 11% of the class, achieved the dream high school average of 1.1. The overall average is 2.1, and one fifth of the graduates achieved a grade of 1.5 or better.
After a short welcome, the principal Michael Lummel gave the stage to his deputy Dr Sammy Wafi, as he was allowed to attend this evening as the father of a high school graduate. Dr Sammy Wafi, Consul General Sybille Pfaff and the Vice Chairman of the DISD Advisory Board, Gregor Amon, congratulated the graduates on their success.

Dr. Sammy Wafi began his address with a quote from Goethe: "Everything we encounter leaves traces. Everything contributes imperceptibly to our education." He emphasized the special way the experiences and encounters during their school years in the cosmopolitan city of Dubai have shaped the graduates. "You are open-minded, multicultural, multilingual - learned to look at everything from different perspectives. You leave DISD as true citizens of the world."
Sybille Pfaff echoed the previous speaker, emphasizing the internationality of DISD students and wishing the graduates to stay true to Germany and the UAE: "Keep building bridges between cultures, between people, and take those with you who might need a little push."
Gregor Amon noted that abslovents live in an extremely exciting time, one that is constantly being changed and improved by technology. "Take advantage of these opportunities. The future is in your hands. With your determination and commitment, you can change the world." He quoted Steve Jobs "Your time is limited, dont waste it living someone elses' life. In short, be yourself. Follow your dreams. No one can make the contribution you can make. Be brave, be authentic, and dare to go your own way."
A big thank you also went to all parents and teachers of the graduating classes. Especially the class teachers Simone Suffel (10a), Ulrich Grimm (10b), Stefanie Altay (12a) and Ines Wingrich (12b) as well as the heads of secondary school, Zeljko Babic and Melanie Zaidi, who accompanied the graduates intensively.
For their great A-level grade of 1.1, three DISD students, Karma Elgharib, Carolina Knecht and Neela Lummel received the Advisory Board's award for best performance. Also honored was Aqida Said, who improved the most in her high school years. Kim Rabe and Christian Jabs were awarded the Advisory Board Prize for the best performance in the middle school graduation.
A musical highlight was provided by the secondary school choir under the direction of Ms. Fleury at Head of . "To what is yet to come" put the graduates in a nostalgic but also motivating farewell mood.
The emotional closing scene of the event was the last ringing of the school bell for the graduates. All the best and good luck to our graduating class of 2023!