Graduation 2023 at DISD
May 20, 2024
In DISD's 15th anniversary year, the Abitur 2024 was a very special one: two DISD founding members received their graduation certificates on Thursday evening (16.05.) along with 35 other high school graduates, as well as one vocational high school graduate, three high school graduates and three secondary school graduates. Noah Korshid and Feras Fargahl have completed their entire careers at the German International School Dubai since the kindergarten toddler group in 2008. Nine other graduates of #classof2024 look back on their enrollment in September 2012 in the then DISD school building in Al Quoz and thus twelve DISD school years. Not only a record for this graduating class, but also a sign of the strength of the school community and the quality of the school.
The graduates were accompanied by their parents, siblings and friends. Many staff and teachers came to be part of this special moment. Among the guests of honor were the Deputy Consul General Ms. Ute Brunn, the General Manager of the school Sener Erkol and Dr. Sabine Schaffer from DISD Advisory Board.

The festive evening in the festively decorated canteen was peppered with memories. Graduate Feras Korshid, who was born in Cairo and came to Dubai as a toddler, celebrated his first German carnival dressed as a ladybug in the DISD crawling group. "Today he receives his high school diploma. As a non-native speaker, this is also a great achievement," said principal Michael Lummel. The principal was able to enjoy the evening as Abi-Papa and, after a brief welcome, handed over to the deputy principal Dr. Sammy Wafi.
In his speech, Dr. Sammy Wafi emphasized the once again outstanding overall performance: "The average of 2.14 is once again above the overall average in Germany this year." He thanked the parents for their trust and commitment to the school community, the teachers for their professionalism and the school's Advisory Board for providing valuable expertise on a voluntary basis. He addressed inspiring and motivating words to the graduates, emphasizing the solid academic foundation that the student students have acquired with the German curriculum. The DIA opens the doors to universities and job opportunities both in Germany and around the world. "Use your education, your passions and your belief in your dreams to make a positive change in the world and shape your own path. Your future is in your hands. Your dreams can inspire you and change the world!"
Ute Brunn, Deputy Consul General, was delighted to celebrate the graduates' graduation and the start of a new chapter. "World citizens set sail is the DISD mission statement. Setting sail is a process in which a ship uses the wind to achieve speed," she explained. She continued with the following comparison: "Setting sail is not just an exciting experience before you can sail around the world. It also requires good preparation. I am convinced that you have made exactly this good preparation with your school-leaving certificate so that you can now sail around the world. Whether that is studying, vocational training, an internship or just taking some time out - with the German International Baccalaureate and your school-leaving certificate, you have laid the foundations for a successful future.
She urged the student*inside to pursue their goals. "Nothing is impossible and don't let statements such as 'it will never work' or 'you can't do it' deter you from your visions," wished Uta Brunn and thanked the graduates' companions, parents and teachers on behalf of the Consulate General, who have supported, encouraged and promoted student .
Dr. Schaffer from Advisory Board joined in the congratulations. "It is done. What you have achieved in the last few months is something that represents an important milestone. The experiences and memories from your time at school will stay with you for the rest of your lives. They are just as important as your school grades. Stop and think about what you particularly enjoyed in order to make the right decision for your professional life. Follow your inner voice," advised Dr. Schaffer. On behalf of the Advisory Board, she awarded two prizes for special achievements. She awarded Michelangelo Foschi for the best Abitur (average grade 1.1) and Omar Abdelrahman for his special social behavior.

The parents' representatives of the graduating class were also thanked for their special commitment, as were the head of the upper school, Zeljko Babic, and the head of the secondary school, Ines Wingrich, as well as the class teachers and all the teachers who accompanied the student students on their way to the exams with a lot of dedication and heart.
The ceremony was musically supported by the primary school choir. The student Mia Böttinger and Felix Scheuermann from Year 11 led the audience through the evening with a confident and likeable presentation. The event ended with the ringing of the very last school bell for the graduating class of 2024.