Opening of the Henkel Research World in Dubai
November 20, 2019
On November 18, our principal Michael Lummel was invited to the opening of Henkel's Researchers' World in Children's City. On this occasion, he was able to exchange ideas with Simone Bagel-Trah, Chairwoman of the Henkel Supervisory Board, as well as Talib AbdulKareem Jilfar, Chief Executive Officer, Infrastructure Services Sector, and Dr. Udo Huenger, Vice President Market Area BASF Middle East, and to expand his contacts for the school's STEM area.
Forscherwelt is an international initiative launched by Henkel in 2011 to encourage children to discover the fun and excitement of science. More than 44,000 children around the world have already participated in Forscherwelt initiatives at centers in Germany (the home of Henkel), Russia and Turkey, with specially trained teachers at schools in Argentina, Chile, India, Ireland, Italy and Poland.
During the children's program for children aged 7 to 11 years, curiosity and fun are encouraged. The goal - to get children excited about scientific research. As part of the program, children explore the natural sciences by carrying out practical experiments on everyday Henkel research topics, such as finding out how to extract glue from a date, how toothpaste works, or how clothes get clean again and the role enzymes play in this process.
The Forscherwelt Science Lab for children in Dubai is located in Children's City, Dubai Creek Park and is aimed at children aged 7 to 11. The Researchers' World team offers ten, 45-minute modules for up to 25 children per session. Explorer's World sessions are free for children. For more information and to make reservations, please visit
Henkel (2019, November 18). Henkel opens Forscherwelt Science Lab in Dubai
[Press release]. Retrieved from