Enrollment ceremony 2022
02 September 2022
Enrollment ceremony 2022
After two long years, the German International School Dubai was finally able to hold another big school enrollment ceremony. Equipped in school uniforms and with school bags, the new school children and their parents came to the festively decorated canteen for the enrollment ceremony, which was filled to capacity.
Of course, the bulging school cone was not to be missed - the typical German tradition is also cultivated far from the German homeland at DISD. With beating hearts, the little ABC students took their seats in the first rows of the hall.

Principal Michael Lummel opened the event with primary school principal Inga Rehbein. They were especially pleased to welcome not only the 89 first graders but also their parents personally to DISD. Then student*innen of the 2nd classes presented a welcome song to their new schoolmates. Mrs. Rehbein had prepared a little poem for her subsequent speech. The new elementary school children listened to her attentively. This was followed by a great rap song on the topic of school, which the music teachers Mrs. Halushko and Mrs. Hafner had prepared. Without further ado, the piece was rehearsed with the entire hall and everyone rapped and clapped along enthusiastically.

Then the first graders* were called on stage one class at a time. After a first class snapshot, the children went with their class teacher to the first lesson in the elementary school area. On the way, the little ones were cheered by the big ones, this year's high school graduates. For this purpose, they had lined up in a long row and accompanied the way of the school beginners through the foyer with a hearty applause.

While the children were getting to know each other and their teacher in the classrooms and coloring their name tags, there was coffee and cake for the waiting parents. The parents' council and parents of the second classes were on site and were available as contact persons for the new parents. They had already helped with the preparation of the banquet hall and the cake buffet. The parents took the opportunity to get to know each other and to exchange ideas. After the children had returned from their first lessons, some souvenir photos were taken and then this beautiful first and exciting school day came to an end.