School fees

Here you will find all information about our fees and the payment process. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Phone: +971 4 456 2718 -822

Opening hours: Mon - Thu: from 8 - 10 am & 1:30 - 2:30 pm Fri: from 8 - 10 am & 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Schulgebühren / School Fees in AED*

Registration fee

A one-off fee of AED 525 (incl. 5% VAT) per child is payable immediately upon registration. 

The following conditions apply to the registration fee:

  • Refundable if the school does not offer the child a place
  • Not refundable if the school offers the child a place but it is not accepted.

Admission fee

If the application is successful and a place is available, an offer letter will be issued. The offer remains valid for a period of 7 days. To secure the place, a non-refundable admission fee (10% of the annual fees) must be paid within 7 days. The admission fee will be deducted from the school fees for the school year of enrollment. 

School fees

The school fees are due in 3 installments:

Term 1: 40% of the tuition fee is due on August 15. The admission fee and re-enrollment fee will be deducted from this installment.

Term 2: 30% of the tuition fee due on January 01.

Term 3: 30% of the tuition fee due on April 01.

If a child is admitted during the current school year, the school fees are calculated on a pro rata basis. The week of the first school day is charged in full. School books are provided by the school. In the event of loss or damage, these must be paid for.

Not included in school fees are: School trips, school excursions, school bus, uniforms (from 1st grade), canteen, iPad (from 1st grade) and CCA afternoon activities.

Sibling discount

From the third child (third oldest) and each additional child, we grant a 20% reduction on the school fees for the youngest child.

Payment options

The school accepts the following payment methods:

  1. Transfer in AED to the DISD AED account
  2. AED check
  3. Bar in AED

When paying by cash or check, please note the opening hours of the cash desk.

Bank details

Account Name: German International School Dubai
Account Number: 4021003193541013

Bank: First Abu Dhabi Bank
Branch: Dubai

IBAN: AE130354021003193541013

A purpose code may be required for transfers from abroad. This is "EDU".

The invoices issued must be paid in accordance with the due dates. Delays in payment beyond the specified due dates will be reminded twice.

The first reminder is sent one week after the invoice is due. If payment is still not made, a second reminder will be sent every two weeks.

If payment arrears persist beyond the end of the school year, the children are considered deregistered and will not be admitted to classes in the new school year. Any re-enrollment fees paid will not be refunded in this case.

The school also reserves the right to withhold school leaving certificates and documents as long as payments are in arrears.

The school reserves the right to take legal action against the debtor(s) after the second reminder. This applies in particular to checks that cannot be cashed.

Re-registration fee

For each child already enrolled, a 5% re-enrollment fee for school fees is due in mid-April of the current school year, which is credited against the school fees for the coming school year.

The re-enrollment fee will not be refunded if the child does not attend the school in the coming school year. Only in special cases can the fee paid be refunded, especially if the family can prove that they are leaving the Emirate of Dubai. Further details can be found in the "School Registration and Refund Policy" of the KHDA.

If this fee is not paid by the due date, the child is deemed to be deregistered from the school/kindergarten at the end of the current school year. The amount of the re-enrollment fee can be found in the currently valid fee table.


The deregistration of a child from kindergarten or school must be made in writing on the form provided and sent to

If a child does not start attending school or kindergarten at the beginning of a new school year despite re-enrollment or registration, the child is considered deregistered from the first day of school and the admission and re-enrollment fees will not be refunded. Only in special cases can the fee paid be refunded, especially if the family can prove that they are leaving the Emirate of Dubai.

In the event of deregistration during the school year, the school fees will be refunded pro rata. The week of the last day of school will be charged in full.

If you change schools within Dubai, the KHDA Student Leaving Certificate will only be issued if all claims have been settled.

The school also reserves the right to withhold school leaving certificates and documents as long as payments are in arrears.

Any refunds will be made within 180 days of deregistration.